Sunday 3 March 2013

Post match Analysis - Arsenal v Spurs

So I struggled to come up a title for this post as the game brought me much emotion yet I settled for the simplest of titles. The sudden change of emotion was just too much for me to handle and I wouldn't be surprised if I came out as knackered as they players.

Looking back at the performance it wasn't abysmal yet we caused our own downfall. It's become a habit that we fall asleep at times. In the Premier League, 'falling asleep' - as nice as it sounds will not guarantee Champions League football.

The first half looked promising. We were getting in their faces and never once let them play their so called 'Beautiful Football'. On top of that, we were playing flowing football at a high intensity and looked like ensuring the 3 points were ours. How it suddenly went all pear shaped I do not know.

In fact, I do know. You dont have to be a genius to discover the defence was at full blame for both of Tottenham's goals. One could argue, Santi should have won a foul off of a late tackle from Sigurdsson, who even stopped his own game to apologise to Cazorla, before their second goal went in. Yet for me, thats just a poor excuse.

A Champions League team would react to the transition from attack to defence and both of their goals were prime examples as to where we slacked. Once again Arsenal push that 'Self destruct' button which has been pushed too many times as of late. Falling two goals behind and coming back is rare and the task of coming back is just too challenging for the current Arsenal team.  The lack of communication between Monreal and Vermaelen was gobsmacking. Its that sort of football that you see at grass roots level not at Premier League level!

Since Bould has come in the defence has lost its solidarity it once had. Not being the oldest of Arsenal fans, I never saw Steve play, however from what I have heard he was a no nonsense  tough tackling center half. Why has his game not been implemented on ours? Surely getting pain £1Million a year (let me put that into perspective - 1 MILLION 1 POUND COINS) you would expect him to do the job no?

What remains just as depressing is the fact we cant take any of our chances. Its all well and good having the more possession, but not doing anything with it is very worrying. Where has the cutting edge we once had in Henry, Bergkamp and Pires gone?

This Arsenal squad is full of nice, kind hearted men, but there are times when you need that player with personality on the pitch to scare the opposition. Wilshere is that man but he cant be left to do it himself. We need that spine and backbone running through the squad, surrounded by players who can CHANGE the game, not add to its frustration.

 There are too many unanswered question running through this Arsenal side. All of which being asked by us fans who travel, spend countless amounts of money and sing our hearts out to back the team. We as fans react but there is no reaction from the board, manger or players.

On a brighter note, there has been speculation over a £1.5Billon takeover from Mr. Kroenke. Should this move go ahead, there is no excuse not to spend BIG and bring in players worthy of playing for Arsenal.

On a side note, Monreal's passing was crisp. But I guess he's had a dip in form.

Till next time..

Up the Gunners

Keep the Faith

Arsene Wagner

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