Wednesday 28 November 2012

Arsene Out ?

14 game played, 5 wins, 6 draws and 3 losses. A start to the season that is not worthy of a top four
finish. Its been more than 7 years without a trophy and people still have 100% trust in Wenger. Im not certain as to where this trust comes from because we are not playing that flowing, dangerous and beautiful football that we once played.

Our squad has improved and is more experienced than it was last year giving us hope at the start of the season, that we would actually win a competitive trophy, despite the loss of RVP. It is obvious that our squad this season is incapable of competing with the likes of Chelsea, United and City. With this in mind, the team we have is better than recent performances have shown and drawing games against Fulham and Villa are games that we shouldn't be drawing. Something must be going wrong.

In every most successful football teams there is that one player that other teams are scared of and break down the oppositions play. A modern day term for this player is 'The player who has the Makalele role'. Here's proof of this :

Man City - Yaya Toure
Chelsea - Ramires/Mikel
Barcelona - Busquets/Song
Real Madrid - Khedira
Bayern Munich - Luis Gustavo

I dont now about you but any of these players would happily stroll into our squad and get selected week in week out to play. Diaby at the start of the season was our man. He has strength, height, technical ability and pace. Perhaps a identical version of Yaya Toure. But it is evident that he is so injury prone that we cant rely on him to play every week. This then leaveS our Midfield unbalanced and incomplete. Wilshere, Cazorla and Arteta are all essentially the same players. They all get forward to join the attack and are all immensely creative. But they dont have that man that they can rely on if they get overrun in Midfield, therefore leaving us exposed.

As you all may know, we have signed a new deal with our sponsors Emirates worth £150 Million. Urrr... That 150 million one pound coins. A lot of money I know. This then gives us cash to work with. Not cash to invest in young talents but cash to spend on proven stars who are world class and can change a game. Wenger has adopted the attitude that we make stars and dont buy them but times have changed and the best teams by superstars as well as making them. Our new deal means our income every season increases from 5.5 million to 30 million. The January transfer window tells me one thing only. SPEND!

My Transfer Targets :

Cavani - Napoli - £25 Million
Fellaini - Everton - £20 Million
M'vila - Rennes - £15 Million
Honda - CSKA - £15 Million

With these players in our team, we can compete. Against the big teams as well.

Arsene has not realised the importance of squad depth. Every season a team is hit with major injury problems and needs the quality of back up. Do we have this ? Even when we havent been struck with injury nightmares we dont have that depth we need. Wenger has run out of ideas with the team and wants the players to improve individually and sell them on just to say 'I made that'. He is still searching for the old Arsenal football we used to play and has been for several years and I think it it pretty obvious he can reinforce that football. If he were to leave or get sacked I would still love him. He's a legend with immense history but for the good of the club - He should leave.

We need the young manager with ambition and the only man that has that at the moment is Guardiola.

The next two games are crucial. Both home games with 50,000 more fans than the opposition. A loss or draw in either of these games isnot an option. If we cant keep up with the other teams we could slowly sink and sink and sink lower down the table. I am worried we could end up like Charlton, Leeds or Wimbledon.

Like I always say..

Up the Gunners

Keep the Faith

Arsene Wagner

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