Wednesday 16 July 2014

Sami Khedira - A new Arsenal ?

Khedira celebrating his most recent World Cup win with a small peck on footballs finest trophy. 
German international, Sami Khedira looks set to pledge his future with Arsenal in the next few days which could see the start of a new era for what looks like to be North London’s finest team, with Tottenham falling behind in the transfer market so far.  

Khedira 27, comes with bags of experience having won the La Liga, Champions League, Copa del Rey (twice) and most recently, footballs biggest prize - The World Cup. Being a defensive minded player, Khedira would offer something new to Arsenal, something which hasn't been available since the days of Viera and Gilberto.

As a holding midfielder, Khedira would provide Arsenal’s more technical and advanced players the freedom to play their free-flowing football that everyone loves. Thus, allowing the likes of Özil, Ramsey and new boy Sanchez to prove their worth by showing their attacking capabilities, without the burden of having track back in attempt to break up the oppositions play. 

Moreover, the potential transfer would allow Wenger to chop and change when his plans aren’t going as expected and to rotate when players get injured (a major problem last season), with Khedira’s replacements being Wilshere, Arteta and (if fit) Abou Diaby.

With all that in mind, Khedira demands at least £150,000 a week in wages which seems to be the only reason he’s not in an Arsenal shirt as of yet. However, uncharacteristically, Arsene Wenger has spent large sums in the past few windows, so I personally wouldn’t be that surprised if he broke the bank and gave Khedira what he wants. All in all, it looks set to be a promising season for The Gunners. 

Up the Gunners 

Keep the Faith 

Arsene Wagner 

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